Welcome to the

Canadian-Armenian Traditional Dance Ensemble of Toronto

Also known as
"Erepuni Dance Ensemble and Artsakh Dance Academy"

About Us

Established in 1960, CATDE is proud to offer two dynamic dance groups: one for adults and another for youth. Each group is committed to preserving, teaching, and performing traditional Armenian folk dances, ensuring these cultural treasures are passed down to future generations.

Our adult dance group brings together individuals of all ages and backgrounds who share a love for Armenian culture and dance. Through weekly rehearsals and performances, members have the opportunity to learn traditional dances, refine their skills, and immerse themselves in the beauty and spirit of Armenian folk traditions.

For younger dancers, our youth group provides a supportive and engaging environment where children and teenagers can learn and explore Armenian folk dance in a fun and inclusive setting. Led by experienced instructors, our youth dancers develop confidence, coordination, and cultural pride as they master traditional dance routines and techniques.

CATDE is a registered charity operating in space provided by the Armenian Community Centre (ACC) in Toronto, where we hold rehearsals and performances. In addition to our regular activities, we actively participate in Ontario's vibrant multicultural scene, engaging in numerous festivals and events throughout the year. From lively performances to interactive workshops, we share the joy and beauty of Armenian folk dance with audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

Join us at CATDE and experience the magic of Armenian folk dance! Whether you're a seasoned dancer or new to the art form, there's a place for you in our dance community.

Connect with us to learn more about our classes, performances, and upcoming events. Let's dance together and celebrate the timeless traditions of Armenian culture!


CATDE envisions a vibrant community where the joy and cultural richness of Armenian folk dance thrive, fostering connection, pride, and understanding across generations.


CATDE is dedicated to preserving, promoting, and celebrating the heritage of Armenian folk dance. Through our dynamic dance groups for both adults and youth, we provide a welcoming environment for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to learn, share, and perform traditional Armenian dances. By offering engaging classes, captivating performances, and active participation in multicultural events, we aim to cultivate a deeper appreciation for Armenian culture while fostering inclusivity and unity within our diverse community.


Interested in getting involved or learning more? Drop us a line at CATDE@armenian.ca.

Let's create something beautiful together.